Viikinmäki Housing Area

Viikinmäki Housing Area

The site-allocation competition for the central blocks of the Viikinmäki housing area was held in 2006. The aim was to create a Finnish interpretation of Mediterranean hill towns and to develope new ways of building with stone and concrete. The scheme introduced a way of connecting the buildings to the ground with similar materials and textures and thus won all the four different blocks of the competition.  The construction of the first blocks is due to start in 2010. The total floor area of the four blocks is 10000 m2.

  • Housing
  • Competition
  • Masterplan


  • Housing
  • Family_Houses
  • Public
  • Competition
  • Transformation
  • Masterplan
  • Pavilions


Our work includes developing, studying and producing architectural projects that answer the client’s needs in a unique, cost-efficient, rational and aesthetically pleasing synthesis.

The design process consists of analysing the special features of each site and program. Our Architecture grows from hard work and a high level of commitment. We believe that the only way to build sustainable cities and buildings is to use real solid materials, solve all the functions in a flawless way and give every space and building its own unique appearance – a soul.



Huttunen-Lipasti Architects  Ltd 
Lönnrotinkatu 18 A
00120 Helsinki, Finland
+358 9 694 7724, mailh-lfi

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